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Media Media – AdamLabs Ltd

AdamLabs Europe™ ampoules manufacturing video

Ampoule filling and sealing machine is one of the most critical equipment that has significant roles to play in processing of pharmaceutical products especially in liquid injections.

AdamLabs Europe™ tablets manufacturing video

The manufacture of tablets by direct compression is advantageous as the whole process generally requires fewer steps in implementation without requiring the use of moisture and heat. Tablets made as a product of this method have faster dissolution properties as compared to those of wet granulation.

AdamLabs Europe™ vials manufacturing video

Liquid vial filling is a delicate process. Pharmaceutical vial filling machines ensure volumetric consistency, reduce product loss, and feature built in quality control in the form of volume checking.

AdamLabs Europe™. Visual quality control, hologram, protective sleeves.

Presentation of Biprocyne (Testosterone cypionate). The box accommodates 10 ampoules / 1 mL / 200 mg / mL

AdamLabs Europe™ Ravidin boxes on the packaging tape

Pharmaceutical grinding of raw materials video

Before stanozolol raw material enters in the pharmaceutical reactor. It is micronized in a planetary mill. Stanozolol AdamLabs it’s incredibly high quality micronized suspension.

AdamLabs Europe™ ampoule filling and sealing machine. Short video.

AdamLabs Europe™ rotary ampoule washing machine

Presentation AdamLabs Europe™ Rasverol® 10 ml vial/ 100mg/ml ( CAS Number10161-34-9)

Presentation of AdamLabs Europe™ products in tablets

AdamLabs Europe™ Ravidin plastic cells on the packaging tape

Presentation of Ravidin (Testosterone propionate). 10 mL vial / 1 mL / 100 mg / mL

AdamLabs Europe™ ampoule labeling machine video. Labeling and dating

Sources :

1. https://eje.bioscientifica.com/downloadpdf/journals/eje/151/3/355.pdf

2. https://www.purclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/adam_questionnaire-2.pdf

3. Short ADAM questionnaire in men.

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